Title: Furdavil Author: Scott Furda (16) E-Mail: Irishlords@aol.com Note: Atomic Edition or pentium required to play. Description: Duke is on his way home to L.A. when his car runs out gas and he has to bail. He finds himself in a town where thoes alien bastards have taken. So Duke decides to kill all the fuckers and then unwind in on of the many bars. See if you can find the secert underground fusion plant. And have fun trying to beat the 2 bosses at the end. Plutonium/Atomic required New Art: NO New Sound: NO Nw Music: NO New CON File: NO Demos Replaced: NO *Construction* Base: From Scratch Editor used: Can't remember Know Bugs: None that I know of if found e-mail and i will fix. Time Spent Building: God only knows Installion: Copy into your duke directory ATTENTION: IF YOU USE AS A BASE FOR ANOTHER LEVEL BE SURE TO SEND ME AN E-MAIL. I AM NOT A PRICK YOU CAN YOU JUST LET ME KNOW.